Saturday, 10 September 2011

Final thoughts...

The exercise in producing a project management report has provided an excellent opportunity to examine, understand and appreciate the various stages of producing such a report. Having now had the experience of working through the different components, I feel better equipped to deal with any future similar undertakings. However, the most valuable learning has come from having to think very carefully and thoroughly about the ways in which web 2 technology can be practically employed for educational purposes in a real work situation. Having been convinced of the clear benefits of using these tools, I now realise the necessity of introducing them correctly and in a way that will encourage engagement - one cannot make assumptions that the benefits are immediately clear to others. Undertaking this report has given me the confidence and the know how to promote similar ideas in my new post, dealing with a different faculty, using what I have learned about the pitfalls as well as the success stories to inform any future projects.
I abandoned my original project proposal, choosing instead one which I felt was realistic to undertake, using simple ideas. I did not want to introduce too much complexity into my project as I felt the set deadlines, the time of year, my changing personal work situation and relocation would present enough challenges. I believe this caution has paid off in that the pilot study I have undertaken could be practically used to inform a new nursing librarian of an approach which just might work.